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Prince George's Church of Christ Ministries



  • Audio/Media:      The Audio Ministry records and make available digital media from live production of our Sunday school and worship service, Wednesday night Bible classes, and other sponsored events, as per request.  This Ministry also ensures the audio system is working properly and maintains upgrades and other necessary improvements to bring about clear sound quality by way of our various listening mechanisms including onsite, internet live streaming, and CD recordings. The purpose of providing CD’s to individuals is to further promote the message of Christ to others by sharing His word.  There is no fee for the CD’s, but donations are accepted.  Through success of this ministry, live streaming via the Internet is available where anyone around the world with access to the World Wide Web can join us for Bible classes, worship service, and/or other events.  


  • Baptismal & New Members:   The goal of our Baptismal and New Members Ministry is to ensure the baptismal pool and necessary items are always ready for use.  This includes ensuring the pool is clean and water is at the appropriate level to fully submerge and also avoid spills.  Additionally, this ministry lead is responsible for ensuring a sufficient number of members (i.e. both men and ladies) are trained in carrying out the responsibilities of a baptism.


A major component of this ministry is also to ensure new members receive an updated “New Members Packet.”  This ministry updates the packet ensuring content is removed and added as needed.  Through this ministry, a responsibility includes ensuring new member information is added to the Church Directory which is updated quarterly and disseminated in hard copy form.   New members requiring attendance of the new members class is also ensured by the ministry lead.


  • College Resources:        The College Resource Ministry purposes to be a source of encouragement to our young members away attending college.  Through the college resource ministry, we send care packages, special recognition cards, and provide emotional strength by encouraging our young people to stay focused on their goals and to keep Christ in their lives.


  • Community Outreach:  Through this ministry, the goal is to ensure a presence in the community.  This involves extending invitations to participate in the many free informational, educational and/or entertaining events.  Some specific events may include door knocking, school supply drives, and other special collection drives.  When efforts are planned for the community, various types of reading material (such as flyers, brochures, and fact sheets) is made available to inform/educate those in attendance of Christ and his salvation plan; who we are as a congregation; how they can learn more about the self paced Bible Correspondence Courses, and our upcoming events.


  • Education: The Education Department is designed to educate and empower the members of the Congregation to live a more Godly life by self-examination and awareness.  The Prince George’s Church of Christ, Education Department develops and writes its own curriculum annually and over the past 5 years has blessed the lives of members and visitors of ourworship services, Bible classes, and Bible studies.

Part one of our curriculum’s lessons are taught on Sunday mornings during worship service; part two is taught on Wednesday nights during Bible study, and part three is taught the following Sunday morning during Bible class.  The purpose of this approach is to extensively delve into each lesson series, so members can fully benefit from the message.

We have a teacher’s training program that allows our teachers to share various teaching mechanisms and tools.  During the teacher’s training meetings/sessions, guidance is given on delivering the next month’s lessons.  Monthly teachers’ meetings are held on the third Sunday of each month.


  • Foreign Mission:  Through our Foreign Mission Ministry, we provide financial and other support to Ghana and Haiti monthly.  Funds are often raised, donated, and/or matched.  One year, PG’s Youth Ministry (with the help of the members) raised funds to purchase and shipped brasstone communion trays, bases, and stackable bread plates for a Ghana Church of Christ.  Efforts such as collecting lightly used and new clothing, shoes, toiletries, and school items has also been conducted and shipped abroad.  Opportunities to be of services/assistance are actively explored regularly.


  • Ladies:       The Ladies Ministry is designed to include each sister in the Congregation in a meaningful manner that empowers the usage of their God given spiritual gift. Through this Ministry, we strive to be a source of support and encouragement to our fellow sisters in the areas of healing from life’s heart aches, parenting, achieving spiritual maturity, and teaching women to learn more fulfilling spiritual service and how to possess a sense of wholeness in their service to God.

PG’s Ladies Ministry holds an annual 3 Mile Walk/Run in support of Sickle Cell Anemia and Multiple Sclerosis.  Our ladies also host a Ladies Day every other year and an annual Christmas Luncheon.


  • Marriage:   Since its inception, PG has had a viable Marriage Ministry.  Each year, we have an Annual Marriage Seminar, which typically runs from Friday through Sunday. One year, we hosted both a Marriage Seminar and a Singles Seminar onboard the Royal Caribbean Cruise Line.  The cost is always nominal and participants are blessed to receive an abundance of life changing information.  P.G.’s marriage classes are facilitated by Dr. Bruce McClure or an invited specialist in a related discipline.  Dr who is a Licensed Clinical Professional Counselor and National Certified Counselor.


Additionally, through this ministry, PG have routine sessions designed for married and engaged couples to come together to fellowship, learn, and grow closer to one another.  Topics are typically selected by the group and relevant to the needs.  These sessions are often held on Friday nights.


  • One PULSE:        PG’s “Singles Ministry” has been transformed into One PULSE.  One PULSE is an energetic group of members containing singles and married young adults, young professionals, and college students.  The goal of the Ministry is to be the energy, the life force of the Congregation.  As the pulse of the church, it is the ministries sincere efforts to be the charismatic Christians that God would strive for us to be.  What We Stand For. The “One” before the PULSE is symbolic to the solidarity of the group, to the coalition of willing Christians, the interconnectedness between all individual members as a collective whole, which ultimately forms one powerful dynamic PULSE within the PG.  One PULSE will fellowship together, participate in various activities with other congregations, and attend workshops and group discussions on topics of interest to young single and young married Christians.


  • Security:    The Security Ministry focuses on ensuring the Prince George’s Church of Christ physical building is secure during use and non-use.  The ministry lead is also the first contact for securing a team of security assistants for special events to assist with monitoring inside and outside activity (including parking.)


  • Senior Citizens:   The Senior’s Ministry focuses on our older Christians who are positive examples to our younger Christians through life experiences and increased wisdom.  Our seniors are an excellent source of wisdom and knowledge, and we strive to show them our appreciation through an Annual Seniors Luncheon where they are honored for who they are and all that they do for the Congregation.


  • Sick/Shut-in/Outreach: Each week various members go out to local nursing homes, homeless shelters, and into the homes of members to pray, study and to provide encouragement.  Visitation is a tool designed to reach directly into the daily lives of the communities surrounding our location of worship. One of the primary focuses of the outreach efforts is to share the Gospel of Jesus Christ with the community and others.



  • Song and Worship:       This Ministry works to ensure our weekly worship service is pleasing to God.  The ministry lead carries out the responsibility of providing oversight of worship assignments, which is developed for each month.  Men assigned to serve are responsible for communicating their planned absence to ensure a replacement is obtained in a timely manner.  The ministry lead also holds the responsibility of development and encouragement of our song leaders.


  • Youth:       The Youth Ministry works to foster a positive outlook about Christ and His teachings to our young people. Each year, the preteens and teens work collaboratively with the Ministry Lead to develop a full year schedule including relationship building excursions, educational activities, and service projects.  The various events are designed to help our youth stay focused on living a Godly life.


Under the umbrella of the Youth Ministry was Teens Abstaining from Premarital Sex (TAPS) which ran a course of 9 ½ years.  TAPS has been transformed into Youth Exhibiting Spirituality (YES) which focuses on developing independence through use of critical thinking and decision making skills.  The open discussion sessions and classes are held on the third Sunday of each month.


  • Web Management:        The Web Ministry purposes to ensure the gospel of Jesus Christ can be heard all around the world.  The Web Ministry also purposes to ensure PG’s members can participate in worship service, Bible class, and special events while sick or shut-in.  Through live streaming video, our Sunday Bible studies, worship services, Wednesday night Bible classes, and special events can be accessed via the Internet on every continent and country in the world.


Also, contained on the website are tools (i.e. sermons for listening and downloading, on-line Bible, donation/contribution ability), informational material (ex: conferences, seminars, workshops), registration, contact information, and more.




Single Parent Support Group:        Provides individualized help that meets the ongoing needs of parents who have purposed to conduct themselves in a Christ-like manner and raise their children in the reverence of God.


Monthly Family Talk:   Specific topics are addressed each month to motivate spiritual accountability in realms such as finances, community service, marriage, family, proper Bible study skills, etc.


Men’s Morning Out:     A monthly gathering of Christian men where time is spent praying, talking openly about challenges facing men and Godliness centering around careers, family, childrearing, investment planning for family security, and other areas that will improve men’s role within the home and church.

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