About Us

Our Minister
Dr. Bruce McClure
Brother Bruce McClure was born in West Memphis, Arkansas. Both of Brother McClure’s parents are deceased. Brother McClure has 10 siblings of which 4 are deceased. Brother McClure has been married to Sister Bernice McClure 33 years. Sister Bernice McClure was a Special Ed. Nurse in Clinton, Maryland.
Brother and Sister McClure are the parents of 4 sons – each son graduated college, 2 from graduate school and 1 with a PhD., and most of all each of their 4 sons are married in the Lord. Brother McClure has been in ministry since 1978 serving as Pulpit Minister/Professional Counselor for the communities he has ministered. In January of 2000, God used Brother McClure and 10 other families to plant The Prince George’s Church of Christ in the Largo area of Prince George’s County. Brother McClure majored in Bible at Oklahoma Christian University and later completed his doctoral degree in Marriage and Family in 1998.
Brother McClure has done extensive research on church history and congregational development. Brother McClure has lead mission teams in Trinidad and Jamaica. Brother McClure is licensed by the state of Maryland as a Clinical Professional Counselor and Nationally Board Certified as a Clinical Counselor and the American Association of Marriage and Family Therapy (AAMFT).